John MacCuaig

Technical Lead – Machining

John joined the Midton team in 2007 progressing through the company’s ranks to his current position of Machining Technical Lead.

John initially joined the print department as a screen printer, working within that role for six years before training as a DTS operator. He then moved over to the machining and assembly departments where he began to learn CNC, milling and finishing products. As the need grew greater for CAM software, a lot of training was put in place for John to fulfil Midton’s requirements with various courses, he went on to level up and increase his knowledge. As Midton began to lean more on CNC with new moulding and machining techniques, John began to shift away from assembly and solely concentrate on CNC – where he continues to push the department forward today. 

In his spare time, John spends a lot of time with his two children, coaching football training twice a week and at weekends. And when he finally gets a minute – John enjoys music production and DJ’ing when he can.