One Tree Planted: Romania, Reviving the Carpathians
This month, our communications team picked our One Tree Planted project. Mark, our Communications Executive, picked to fund a project in Romania, reviving the Carpathians.
With our sales this month, we have been able to donate close to 1,600 trees to this project, while donating over 60 to our national grove with Trees for Life.

In the Făgăraș Mountains of the southern Carpathians, significant surfaces of forest were clear-felled during the period of 2005-2015, and have not been replanted. This project, combining Foundation Conservation Carpathia and One Tree Planted, aims to plant 200,000 within this region. Speaking of the project, One Tree Planted explains:
The Carpathia Project does not just replant clear-cuts of the past with the most common species, but recreates the natural forest composition, already adapted to possible future climate change.
One Tree Planted
The Carpathian Mountains form some of the largest contiguous forests on the continent, containing an extraordinarily high number of species – home to the largest European populations of large carnivores. This land has been victim of illegal logging with many thousands of hectares of forest lost, posing a severe threat to the integrity of the Carpathian ecosystem.
So far, this project has used eleven different tree species, amongst them European Yew, which has been reintroduced into the southern Făgăraș Mountains. Further ecological benefits are the restoration of the forest floor, where erosion and heavy rainfall has caused lost topsoil and negative consequences for aquatic fauna.
Saplings for this project are grown in local tree nurseries. During the following years, the saplings will be checked and replaced where needed. Those that own the land where this replanatation will happen, have guaranteed the protection of forests in perpetuity on these properties.
This project is alongside Foundation Conservation Carpathia (FCC), who were founded in 2009 by 12 philanthropists and conservationists with the goal to stop illegal logging, and to protect a significant surface of the Carpathian forest in the form of a completely protected area for future generations. Ultimately, the aim of this project is to return the land to the public domain for permanent protection in the form of a National Park. From this, they aim to create a world-class wilderness reserve in the Southern Romanian Carpathians, large enough to support significant numbers of large carnivores.

Outside of this project, FCC works on a wide variety of social issues. Additionally, like One Tree Planted, the organisation hires its rangers from the local communities, providing important jobs and income opportunities. A large portion of the daily labour within this project is made up of Roma families, who are in economic despair, but have found a stable source of income through this programme, and thus aren’t forced into illegality and timber stealing.
Here at Midton, we’re proud to support a project that has such a wide-spread impact on the Roma community. We encourage you to check out both our tree planting partners, One Tree Planted and Trees For Life, to find out more about both organisations, and how they make projects like this possible.
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