Craig Cameron

Craig's journey at Midton began with his adeptness in illustration and model making. He revolutionised acrylic casting, developed multipart moulding processes, and established the model making department. As an effects specialist, he modernised the business using 3D technology and drove R&D initiatives, contributing to the company's growth and success.
Articles from Craig

Celebrating Five Years of Midton’s Remade Material Journey!
As we commemorate the fifth anniversary of Midton's pioneering remade material, we reflect on an…

Reflecting on Trends and Anticipating the Future: A Year in the Awards Industry and What’s Ahead in 2024
The landscape of awards ceremonies and recognition programs has evolved significantly over the past…

Enhancing Interior Spaces: The Versatility of Acrylic Products
In the realm of interior design, the choice of materials plays a pivotal role in shaping the aesthetics,…

6 Reasons to Invest in Custom Materials
At Midton, we pride ourselves on our ability to push the boundaries of creativity and innovation. Our…

BDNY 2022
Join us at stand 1373 at this years Boutique Design New York (BDNY) conference where we will be…

One Tree Planted: Romania, Reviving the Carpathians
This month, our communications team picked our One Tree Planted project. Mark, our Communications…

Can Acrylic be Recycled? Introducing Remade
In today's world, sustainability is becoming increasingly important as we realise the negative…

Research and Development: Paper moulds
What was the problem? Barex 210 was a thermoplastic critical to our process for moulding 3d…